Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rabbit Island

I'm trying not to feel guilty that I haven't written a blog in almost 6 months. I think one sign that you've settled into a new place is that you don't (feel that you) have time for "touristy" things, like sending news home about how things are. Well, we are definitely feeling settled in. Days go by quicker than we can count them and the next thing you know it's winter in the Southern Hemisphere!

I've had so many ideas pop into my head over the past weeks and months about topics I'd like to share in the blog.  But finding the time to sit down and write out an entire coherent story has given me writer's block. We've had wonderful times and I'd love to share them with you -- in little snippets, only because if they aren't little snippets, they probably won't get written down.  So here's one...

Rabbit Island

Last weekend was Queen's Birthday, a long weekend, and Jon amazingly didn't have a game to coach on the Saturday (btw, his women's "prems" team finally won a game -- Jon's first win in NZ!). With an entire weekend free, we decided to head north to Nelson, about a 4 1/2 hour trip to the top of the South Island. We took the inland route through the Southern Alps which was one aaahhhh moment after another. We passed through parts of wine country (note to self: must come back and explore further) and came into Nelson, framed by hills overlooking bays and inlets. I remember thinking to myself: this is closer than driving from Columbus to Buffalo but the dramatic changes in the landscape make you feel like you've traveled so much further.

We spent Sunday in the small town of Mapua, or rather on the Mapua Wharf, about 35 km from Nelson. What an incredibly relaxing day (for the most part). After some micro brews and nachos, we decided to take the small ferry/bike-rental-shop across the water to Rabbit Island to go riding through the trails.

Ferry to Rabbit Island

Here's a map of the trails, he said. Keep to the trails marked blue, since the others are closed due to logging. But then, it's Sunday and there won't be logging, so just jump the fence. ok. We had an hour and a half to ride around the island before the ferry would come to pick us up at 4:10, the last pick up of the day.  Off we went on our mountain bikes through the woods on the blue trail.

We eventually found ourselves riding our bikes along a long stretch of beach, sun shining, waves crashing. I think I've seen this scene in a movie somewhere.

And then there were two girls riding horses into the waves. I'm sure I've seen this movie.

But then it was time to head back to catch the ferry. Blue trail this way, Jon said, I saw a sign. Fast forward 10 km, I check my map: this is not "our" blue trail, in fact all the bike trails are marked by blue stakes (not the same thing as a blue line on a map it turns out). We're heading in the opposite direction. Back we go 10 km and then discover our real blue path. 3:55. Still quite a distance to go. (Why did I think I needed exercise this morning and go for a run?) 4:07. My relaxing cinematic moment has turned into the Indy 500 on bikes. But we made it, yay!! (Like the ferry/bike owner was going to leave us and his expensive bikes behind.)
Back on the wharf, another micro-brew and some live music was all that was needed to bring that relaxing holiday feeling back. What a fun weekend.

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